Vietnam – Korea agree on 5 cooperation contents

At the second Vietnam – Korea Vice-Prime Ministerial Economic Dialogue meeting, the two sides proposed, exchanged and reached agreement on many cooperation contents in 5 trade areas; energy and infrastructure construction; development cooperation; information technology – communication, start-up and investment; health and labor…
On March 10, in Hanoi, the second Vietnam – Korea Deputy Prime Minister-level Economic Dialogue was held by Deputy Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Le Minh Khai and Deputy Prime Minister Dai Nam. Republic of Korea Kyungho Choo co-chaired.
Over the past years, the economic cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Korea has continued to have strong and continuous development steps, achieving many important achievements. With a strategic partnership since 2009 and upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership in December 2022, Vietnam and Korea are each other’s leading economic partners in many fields, from trade, investment, development cooperation, labor to science – technology, industry, infrastructure – transport – construction, energy, agriculture, finance – banking…
There are many mechanisms and frameworks for economic cooperation between Vietnam and Korea. relatively diverse, including cross-disciplinary cooperation and cooperation in specific areas of expertise, at various levels. The mechanisms and frameworks for bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea are currently operating smoothly, effectively, flexibly, and well solving arising problems and actual needs in each specific field of cooperation. possible between the two countries.
The initiative to establish an economic dialogue mechanism at the Deputy Prime Minister level of Vietnam – Korea was jointly launched and decided by the two sides on the occasion of the official visit to Vietnam by South Korean President Moon Che In in March 2018. aimed at creating a high-level exchange mechanism commensurate with the extensive economic cooperation between Vietnam and Korea on important issues, helping to expand and strengthen bilateral cooperation for the benefit of both sides. in economic fields and overcome obstacles, and support other bilateral economic cooperation mechanisms and frameworks. For the Korean side, this initiative is part of the overall New Southern Policy, in which Vietnam is the focus.
At the second Dialogue meeting, the two sides proposed, exchanged and reached agreement on many cooperation contents in 5 fields of trade; energy and infrastructure construction; development cooperation; information technology – communication, start-up and investment; health and labor. The cooperation agreements reached are practical, suitable to the actual situation of each party, helping to solve difficulties and obstacles and open up new economic cooperation opportunities.
Prominent among them is the fact that the two sides have agreed on 5 contents.
Firstly, work together to strengthen trade cooperation between the two countries, including solutions to reduce Vietnam’s trade deficit from South Korea, and further promote the export of some products to each other in the world. basis of the Vietnam-Korea Free Trade Agreement, towards the goal of trade turnover between the two countries reaching 100 billion USD in 2023 and 150 billion USD in 2030.
Second, agree on many solutions to solve problems and difficulties that Korean enterprises are investing and doing business in Vietnam. The two sides also agreed to jointly promote investment from Korea in priority fields of Vietnam such as ICT, clean energy, infrastructure, smart cities… At the same time, promote cooperation in the fields distribution and logistics.
Third, agree to strengthen effective cooperation in the field of official development assistance between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Vietnam through the effective use of grant projects and capital resources. Korean ODA loans through the EDCF Fund and the EDPF Fund.
Fourth, many important agreements have been reached to expand cooperation in the fields of information and communication technology, science and technology.
Fifth, jointly promote cooperation in the fields of health and labor. A number of issues in labor cooperation have been agreed to coordinate to identify solutions to solve problems in order to effectively manage and use human resources of both sides to serve the cause of business development. socio-economic of the two peoples.
Within the framework of the Dialogue meeting, the two sides of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea signed a loan agreement for the renovation project of Hoa Duyet-Thanh Luyen space, Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City railway line with a loan limit of 68 million USD.
Economic dialogue at the Deputy Prime Minister level of Vietnam – Korea has been successful, contributing to raising the level of economic cooperation between Vietnam – Korea, for the common prosperity of the two peoples.
The third Vietnam-RoK Deputy Prime Minister-level Economic Dialogue will be held in Korea at an appropriate time for the two sides to review the progress and results of the implementation of the agreements at the Second Dialogue. and propose new cooperation initiatives and agreements.

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