
It can be seen that functional foods in most pharmacies and pharmaceutical markets are diverse and have a wide variety of uses. On the box of the product, these products are marked according to their use and are marked as health functional foods. So, are health functional products the same as health-protecting foods?


Health functional products are foods developed and processed by manufacturers using herbs, edible plants, or animals found in nature as raw materials. In addition, food sources contain nutritional ingredients.


The reason it is called a health functional product is that it is edible and has no visible side effects or harm to the human body.  In addition, the words “this is not a drug and does not replace a drug” are clearly stated on the product packaging. 


Are health products and health functional products the same?

Health products, such as usage, content, and usage instructions, have different names:

  • Micronutrient supplements.
  • Food Supplements: General Foods Supplemented with healthy micronutrients and urea
  • Health functional products: capsules, capsules, tablets, extracts, granules, powders, leftovers,…It is a product processed in the form of…
  • Medical nutritional supplements: food designated to adjust the patient’s diet and can only be used under the supervision of medical staff.

Therefore, it can be understood that health functional foods are products with the purpose of providing nutrients and active substances that supplement nutrition to the body and improve the health of users. It is a component derived from natural animal and plant extracts and is manufactured in the form of capsules, pills, tablets, extracts, and medicinal granules.


Currently, health functional products vary widely in both origin and origin. Importing functional products meets higher quality standards than domestic products, and import procedures are becoming simpler and simpler.

Koviepartners is popular with many vendors because it provides packaging, label support, and marketing strategy support for the import process.

Businesses who want to participate in the functional product business can immediately contact Kobe Partners for free consultation.

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