
From 60 years old or older, considered elderly. At this age, natural aging easily leads to bone and joint problems that reduce mobility as well as reduce their quality of life.


Elderly people can suffer from bone and joint pain anywhere in the body… Constant pain makes the patient tired, insomnia, anxious, and at the same time has the potential risk of other diseases. Although bone and joint disease in the elderly is difficult to avoid, we can slow down the aging process to achieve optimal health in old age. So how to take care of bones and joints for the elderly?


Below are 7 necessary actions to take care of the bones and joints of the elderly:

  1. Exercise daily:

Train your body every day with exercises suitable for your physical condition such as walking, yoga, qigong, and tai chi.

Elderly people should exercise for 30 – 45 minutes every day. Avoid carrying things in the wrong posture and bending your knees, squatting, climbing, standing too much, shaking your arms…


It is necessary to have a reasonable rest regime and avoid heavy work to avoid causing further damage to the musculoskeletal system.


  1. Maintain a reasonable diet:

Build a nutritious diet that is good for bones and joints, especially increasing foods high in calcium, vitamin D, and Omega-3 such as milk, seafood, shrimp, crab, fish, beans, and herbs. ear, broccoli, cabbage, spinach….


In addition, the elderly should limit unhealthy foods such as greasy foods, canned foods, soft drinks, alcohol, etc.


Avoid salt in your daily diet to avoid osteoporosis.


  1. Have a healthy lifestyle:

Getting enough sleep on time and avoiding excessive stress is a way to help the elderly reduce pain caused by bone and joint diseases.


  1. Keep your body warm when it’s cold:

When the weather gets cold, elderly people with joint pain should wear thick clothes, keep painful areas warm and avoid going out too much. In addition, drinking hot tea is also a way to help the body feel warmer.

  1. Prevent overweight and obesity:

Eat moderately – exercise regularly to maintain a moderate weight, avoid obesity, help reduce bone and joint pain and prevent other bone and joint diseases.


  1. Quit smoking:

Smoking is harmful to human health and can make bone and joint pain worse, so elderly people should quit smoking as soon as possible.


  1. Do not abuse pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs:

To avoid side effects such as brittle bones, effects on the kidneys and digestive tract. If you must use medication, you must be examined and prescribed by a specialist and must follow the doctor’s instructions.


With the development of modern medicine, with very simple methods, specialists will help the elderly diagnose and treat diseases effectively, preventing complications of bone and joint diseases.


  1. Use functional foods appropriately

Elderly people often use dietary supplements and functional foods to help improve their body’s health. Although it is only a support product and cannot replace medicine, elderly people still need to carefully consult their doctor before using it. To prevent bone and joint disease early, elderly people can use products containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin K2,…

One of the functional food products that the elderly can refer to for bone and joint diseases is Liquid CM from Korea. The product contains calcium, magnesium, ionized and mineral concentrate LJG deep sea water, which helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis and regulate neurological problems as well as kidney function.

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