Vital Up


When feeling low on energy, recharge with Vital Up containing red ginseng and octacosanol. In particular, red ginseng can help strengthen immunity and improve fatigue, replenish energy for the body

Name: Vital Up
Weight: 30g x 60 packs (1set)
Weight: 1 pack=30g, 5 packs/1 box, 6 boxes/1 set
Uses: Strengthening immunity, endurance, reducing fatigue, anti-oxidation

Main ingredients
Mixed plant extracts (Combination made only at Natures Pharm): Activate energy metabolism, natural hematopoietic component
Red Ginseng: Immune Booster, Tired of improving, Blood circulation, inhibition of platelet aggregation, Improve memory, Anti-oxidation
Octacosanol:  Recovers from fatigue and improves stamina, consumes fat, increases fitness
User object
  • Energy metabolism in the absence of energy
  • Lack of energy when cold
  • Decreased sexual function
  • Chronic fatigure
  • Digestive dysfunction: digestive disorders, gastric hydration, chronic diarrhea
  • Stagnation: chronic edema, heavy body.

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