
Calcium is an essential mineral of the body, playing a very important role in many body activities such as participating in muscle processes, nerve transmission, hormone release and blood freezing.

Calcium deficiency gets many problems along with it such as muscle spasms, muscle cramping, brittle bones, brittle nails and frequent fractures. 

In more severe cases, one may also experience mental health changes such as depression, anxiety, memory loss, disorientation. 


Menopausal women and old people are at a higher risk of getting affected with dangerous lifelong conditions such as, osteopenia, arthritis.

Calcium’s role in muscle function includes.

– Maintaining the action of the heart muscle. 

– Calcium relaxes the smooth muscle that surrounds blood vessels. 

Various studies have indicated a possible link between high consumption of calcium and lower blood pressure. 

Bone health

Around 99% of the calcium in the human body is in the bones and teeth. Calcium is essential for the development, growth, and maintenance of bone.

As children grow, calcium contributes to the development of their bones. After a person stops growing, calcium continues to help maintain the bones and slow down bone density loss, which is a natural part of the aging process.

Muscle contraction

Calcium helps regulate muscle contraction. When a nerve stimulates a muscle, the body releases calcium. The calcium helps the proteins in muscle carry out the work of contraction.

Cardiovascular system

Calcium plays a key role in blood clotting. The process of clotting is complex and has a number of steps. These involve a range of chemicals, including calcium.

Therefore, adequate and regular calcium supplementation is indispensable to protect the health of bones and the body in general. In addition to calcium, the body also needs to supplement a variety of minerals and vitamins. Combined with nutrients to help keep the body in a healthy state.

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